Irem Az, Sarandha Jain, Gustav Kalm and Brendane Tynes win postdoctoral fellowships

Congratulations to our recent doctoral graduates! They've won several postdoctoral fellowships. Read all about their amazing achievements.



September 06, 2023

Gustav Kalm  just accepted the new Bruno Latour Fellowship at Sciences Po in Paris.

Sarandha Jain, just finished up as postdoctoral scholar at the India-China Institute (The New School), and is starting as postdoctoral scholar at the Department of Human Geography and Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto.

Irem Az, who defended her dissertation in August, has won a postdoctoral fellowship at the program for Disaster Studies at Harvard's Center for Middle Eastern Studies.

Brendane Tynes, is commencing as Sawyer-Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, at Rutgers University–New Brunswick.

We applaud their achievements.