The Department of Anthropology, established by Franz Boas in 1902, is the oldest in the United States and remains a center of disciplinary innovation and theoretical leadership. The department’s faculty members are actively engaged in research and writing about issues of both pressing contemporary relevance and historical significance. Our scholars work in regions and language traditions around the globe and in the United States, as do our students. We operate doctoral degree programs in both sociocultural anthropology and archaeology, and host two distinct MA programs, one in sociocultural anthropology and the other in museum anthropology. In addition, we offer rigorous undergraduate training toward both the major and the concentration, and welcome students from other disciplines into our classes.
Upcoming Events
Elizabeth Povinelli hosts an Open Session at the Store Front
BOAS Seminar: Ismail Alatas
Rosalind Morris publishes Op Ed in 'The Conversation'
Following the deaths of 78 informal miners in South Africa, Rosalind Morris published an analytic Op Ed in 'The Conversation' and was interviewed by Richard Poplack for the Daily Maverick. You can read her piece in 'The Conversation' here.
Aamer Ibraheem publishes essay in Current Anthropology
PhD candidate, Aamer Ibraheem, has published a photo essay on workers' perspectives on the Golan Heights in the new issue of the flagship journal Current Anthropology. You can read and view his essay, "Elevated: Attuned to White Things," here.
Marini Thorne wins CPE fellowship
Congratulations to PhD candidate, Marini Thorne, who has been awarded a graduate research fellowship from the Center for Political Economy at Columbia World Projects. The grant will underwrite ongoing research on gig work and new forms of labor in contemporary India.
The research interests of our faculty and students cover a broad range of theoretical and empirical questions, and our scholarly and personal engagements traverse an equally wide range of geopolitical and territorial domains. Broadly speaking, these interests can be grouped under the thematic headings indicated by the icons below. On the pages linked to the icons, you will find: a brief description of the issues and the Department’s historical relationship to them; a list of faculty members whose research and writing addresses these themes; a list of courses covering related questions and problems; and select publications on these subjects by our faculty members.
The Department of Anthropology at Columbia University is committed to the ethical pursuit of knowledge, and the responsible stewardship of that which is entrusted to us in the course of our research, including diverse materials of cultural value and significance. As heirs to a lengthy history of anthropological research, we are also committed to the ethical stewardship of ancestral remains, objects and collections that were generated or acquired by our predecessors. To that end, we are engaged in an ongoing process of identifying and inventorying materials on site, consulting with relevant professional and cultural organizations and authorities to determine provenance, and working to ensure the well-being and, where appropriate, repatriation of ancestral remains, objects and materials of cultural value and significance to the communities whence they originated.
We are guided in our efforts by the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), and by international treaties, professional protocols, and our own commitments to just and responsible research practice. In 2024, the Department of Anthropology began taking steps to comply with new NAGPRA regulations, which went into effect on January 12, 2024.